Pukas Surf x Stacey

Location: Pukas Surf Shop Zarautz. Lee Stacey (AUS) shaping his first Pukas x Stacey batch of surfboards. Pic: Carles Medina.
Some kids play with mud, some kids play with fire, some kids play with toxic, polyurethane dust. Lee Stacey grew up in the South Australian town of Victor Harbor, and from an early age know making surfboards would consume his future.
Between the age of 19 and 21 Lee moved around the East coast of Australia, spending time in Newcastle at Pacific Dreams then onto Gold Coast for a bit, working at the New Factory, learning how to hand shape of the factory manager, Darly Bulger.
The three years that followed were spent working for himself and other manufacturers in South Australia, whilst keeping the creative juices flowing through Hardcore band “I Killed the Prom Queen”.
But as always Surfboards took control of his life and on a chance holiday back to the Gold Coast he landed a job shaping with Murray Bourton and Rod Dahlberg. At 24 Lee knew it was time to get serious about his shaping, and with this opportunity in front of him there was no hesitation.
From those days he moved onto work with JS Industries (Jason Stevenson) and then onto a stint with Chilli Surfboards (James Cheale). Whilst for these companies he realized there was something missing, something he felt he couldn’t achieve by working under someone else and it was at this stage with his own growing little family he decided to go throught with his childhood dream of having his own brand. In October of 2009, Stacey Surfboards was officially realized.

Lee Stacey signs his first ever Pukas shape in Europe on our exclusive shaping pencil.