The Game

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This is the kind of board you want to be riding when it’s small, plus it’s really responsive and fun when it gets up to over head conditions. The first ever “The GAME” was tested by Gabriel Medina in Portugal, in a beachbreak close to Ericeira. His feedback was simple: “the board flys”. Waves were small and slow, tipycal beachbrak conditions and Gabriel loved it. Check out the video.



Designed and shaped by Pukas’ official shaper Johnny Cabianca, “The GAME” is meant to be your favourite beachy board, in which its flatter rocker, wider rocker and the extra volume are the features that stand out the most. It also features a classic single to double concave with a V ending, resulting on a fast board that is super easy to turn and perform on it. Better to use it with medium to small fins, and when ordering one for yourself downsize it 4 inches from your average shortboard and ask it with aprox. 15% extra volume (measured in litres).


The ASP 6-star San Miguel Pro Zarautz made “The GAME” worldwide famous thanks to Gabriel Medina who blasted his way to a huge win on this board, specially in the semifinal against Thiago Camarao, a heat touted as the best of the ASP 2011 Series and Prime events by many judges. Thiago put Gabriel in a combination situation but the talented goofy-footer, in need of two waves, withouth priority and 7 minutes to go, did a massive Method Air (9.30 points) only to paddle back out and get another wave, at first sight a low scoring potential right, where Gabriel did the first ever legit Backside Kerrupt Air in a ASP competition (9.57 points). He accomplished it in one minute and a half, ended up winning the contest, securing a spot for the second half of the ASP 2011 World Tour and he made it on the Pukas “The GAME”.


This is the longer version of the video showing Gabriel’s feelings in Portugal and his first tests on The GAME.

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