Rider Info

Everyone should be a big dreamer; Mario must be too much of a dreamer, but because he doesn’t give a shit he dreams hard. This former young gun, gangster-rapper-wanna-be, has grown up and he now pursues to smoothen his surfing style. Begs for his peers to film him while surfing as he can take footage of himself while out of the ocean; go check out his blog www.elciruelosblog.com for visual proof.

Always thinking out of the box, he now links surfers of all kinds in series, parties or comps that nobody expects. When he is not day-dreaming with Rihanna, he tries to pay attention to his marketing studies while mixing it up with his social media updates or surfing seshs.

He is best friends with the very best of professional athletes and will most likely improve his surfing as years pass by; because after all, this kid really has a talent.



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Pukas Surf Mario Azurza with Dane Gudauskas in San Sebastian

Pukas Surf Mario Azurza Quiver Olatu Axel Lorentz Shape

Pukas Surf Mario Azurza Quiver Olatu ArMario

Pukas Surf Mario Azurza Quiver Olatu ArMario

Pukas Surf Mario Azurza Mundaka Carving

Pukas Surf Mario Azurza San Sebastian Carving with the ArMario

Pukas Surf Mario Azurza Indio Shaping at Olatu

Pukas Surf Mario Azurza day dreaming

Pukas Surf Mario Azurza trying to shape

Pukas Surf Mario Azurza ArMario

Pukas Surf Mario Azurza ArMario Zarautz

A bit more

Well… yes, he sings too

You either love him or hate him, but this video represents Mario’s approach to live; he doesn’t give a fuck. So when he feels it’s time to party, he parties; when it’s time to surf, he surfs; and if it’s time to sing, he sings.

Losing weight

Mario is great to test boards with. Living close to the Pukas factory and having his house 5 minutes far from the beach at Zarautz Mario is able to surf a lot and give us feedback. This one time he had to give us a feedback of a different kind.

Pukas Surf Mario Azurza ArMario San Sebastian

Pursuing the flow

Mario realized long time ago that he didn’t have what it takes to fight with a jersey heat after heat. “All good” he said, and with his surfing and style, he is now pursuing the flow, trying to surf nicely and reading waves in a different manner.